
Monday, December 18, 2006

Rain has stopped and sun is out.

Views from the park across to the Lorton Fells. Between the grass in the foreground and the houses opposite is a tree lined valley with the river running through. I also tried to get a picture of Skiddaw through the trees as it has a dusting of snow.

This park was opened in 1895 and it used to have a drinking fountain topped by a statue of a little girl in the likeness of Dorothy Wordsworth as a child. At the opening of the park my grandfather (then a little boy of 7) recited "Daffodils" by William Wordsworth.

In 1950 I was amongst all the school children who climbed the hill to the park carrying bunches of daffodils which were laid in a huge circle around the Dorothy fountain to mark the 100th anniversary of the death of William Wordsworth. We all learned the same poem "Daffodils" and recited it in unison.

I had never seen so many daffodils!

The fountain has now been resited down in the town, opposite Wordworth House (Wordsworth's birthplace) where she is used as a backdrop for tourists to be photographed against.

I am sure she was happier up in the park looking across to the fells.

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