
Friday, March 21, 2008

A lot of thinking going on!

Not sure if it is the season, the weather or just me but I can't seem to get myself into gear to get on with stuff. I keep pulling boxes and drawers out and ratching through them looking for I know not what! I do keep going out and working hard in the garden but this lack of productivity within has lasted 2 or 3 weeks now!

Anyone else feeling like this?

I know it will pass and I will be sewing into the small hours to meet deadlines again soon. Perhaps I just need a certain length of thinking time or a set amount of pressure to get me going?

All the entry forms are here for competitions later in the year and a tempting collection of Hoffmans and batiks are on the surface----

so why am I designing and cutting out stencils?

It's okay there is no need to answer that as I can't expect anyone else to explain

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Anonymous said...

I am sure it is because you work best to a deadline?

Unknown said...

At least you are still doing something creative by cutting the stencils. Don't worry, it will pass. Maybe try a few small projects, like postcards or ATCs to get your juices going again?