Most of the daylight hours I have been outside in the garden clearing brambles and cutting grass and hedges but also quite a lot of other creative stuff has been going on.
First ,I managed to get a simple, electric sewing machine, so that my 10 and 6 year old grand daughters can be introduced to the fun of sewing. We started off with a pile of squares that had been lurking amongst my stash. They shuffled them around with great deliberation until they were satisfied with their pattern and then pinned them all before going to the machine. The 10 year old made herself a lined bag and the younger one managed to piece the top of a blanket for her bear. (She backed it with fleece later)
They did really well and did it all by themselves, though I had to sit on my hands at times. We now plan on a regular Sunday afternoon sewing session during the winter months. I think I have located a hand sewing machine for the younger one whose hand and foot co-ordination isn't quite so well developed.

The postie called to bring back "Crazy Paisley" complete with the Machine Quilting Award and rosette from the Scottish Quilting Championships.
What is it about rosettes? The award will probably be placed safely away but the rosette will go on my little noticeboard in my sewing room. I love it, if I win a different coloured one----------well I love it when I win one but take extra delight if it is a different colour. :o)

I have also been continuing with my stash busting and have been doing some garment sewing. These are the second pair of micro fibre trousers lined with thin fleece----------should be cosy in the colder months!

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