
Thursday, March 04, 2010


Crumby picture as light isn't brilliant but amazingly (amazingly because there was no plan at all) they all fitted together with only a couple of small alterations!
Now do I do borders with applique corners/pieced----or something else?

Will let it settle overnight and have a think.
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SewCalGal said...

Wow, you are fast and you do such outstanding work. I love it. I think you are far above my skill for making recommendations. But yes, I do think it needs a border. I'm inclined to avoid the appliqued corner pieces, but I guess it is an option once you get the borders on.

Oh, how I hope you'll enter this beauty in a show. Lovely quilt.


Patty said...

Do you have to have borders? It's really beautiful, as is. I'd use the darkest-used blue fabric for binding and be done. It's really beautiful...a lot to look at.

Mermaid's Purse said...

This is beautiful!!