
Wednesday, July 06, 2011

AT last!!!!!!!!!

Work has started!

The first thing is for vast numbers of big sandbags to be filled to build a barrier between the river and the wall construction. Any water that comes behind will go through a cleaning process before its return to the river, to prevent anything alien being introduced into the environment.

Those cream things that look like double egg cups complete with eggs are the blocks that will be used for the wall. All the stone around here is pretty much either like the wall they are stacked in front of in the picture or a dark red sandstone. We would have chosen a grey block to tone in or even the dark red like further downstream but it was decreed (by those who know about these thing) s that this yellowish buff is the right colour?

Hopefully the lichen and river silt will tone it down quickly and thankfully the top (which is the only bit you will easily see ) is going to be local stone from on site.
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Unknown said...

Glad to see some diggers!

Agree about the stone colour - which planet are they on????!

Featheronawire Sally Bramald said...

You must be so relieved, all those heavy things you haven't been able to get...
Even just normal shopping!