
Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Not everything is perfect!

Another go with the Bernina Cutwork Tool this itime with a design that I digitised based on an Arthur Rackham drawing. The flower outlines were added later and could definitely have done with more care in their spacing but it is just a tryout!
The fabrics I used were a looser weave than quilting cotton and the silhouette did whisker quite a lot under the basic applique stitch in the software. A quick solution was to alter the applique stitch to a chain stitch and stitch around again whilst the fabric was still hooped.
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ozmommy said...

Love the silhouette look this gives!

Leah- gingersnap said...

Great idea to restitch with an applique stitch to cover the whiskers - did you go back into the design in V6 or in the cutwork to add the extra stitch? Lovely presentation, no the same old same "o"

Jan said...

Ros, It's lovely. You are such a clever bunny!

Jan x

Rosalind said...

Thank you :o)

I was curious to see how a more complicated silhouette would sew out.
I left the design hooped at the machine and just went back into cutwork software and changed the applique stitch to the chain stitch and then exported to machine again. The whole silhouette was done in the cutwork software but the lettering and flowers were added at the machine.
The weird combination of colours is because I am practising on scraps.

Digitalgran said...

I'd hoped to be able to cut fairly complicated objects with the tool and now I know it can be done. thanks Ross.