Are there kissing gates everywhere? A kissing gate is a gate that only allows only one person at a time through. The gate swings in a sort of semi-circular enclosure. Traditionally, the first person goes through and then the second has to pay a forfeit of a kiss to be allowed through. I am happy to say that the tradition still continues with many of the people using this one!
Once through the gate we pass the garden with all the bulbs in bloom. Can you see the first of this year's baby rabbits basking in the sunshine? The adults drive us demented with their burrowing and eating all the new growth but the baby ones are very appealing.
Along the lower path in the park and then over the river. This is a view from the footbridge looking downstream.
I don't have such fond feelings for kissing gates. Try and get a Great Dane, let alone two through one, lols.
Where is this? What a beautiful walk--walk #2 too. Thanks for taking us with you!
It is a lovely walk :o)
It is along the River Cocker in Cumbria,UK.
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