
Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Our morning walk

Peeping over the railings at the topiary next door.

Cold river banks. There was a lot of sledging going on in the field further upstream.

Looking downstream from the footbridge with the sun catching the beech trees.

Rosie waiting to be rubbed clean of snow. She looks a bit like a sausage dog in that fleece but it keeps her toasty! :o)
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Patricia said...

It certainly looks cold, but very picturesque.
You seem to have had a lot of extremes of weather lately. Is this usual?

Rosalind said...

No it is very unusual!

Cockermouth itself usually misses the extremes of weather. Two miles along the road and there can be rain or snow and we have sunshine etc. The floods were an incredible happening.
We haven't had more than an occasional dusting of snow in last 20 years!
This winter is comparable to the 1962/3 winter when the Lakes froze over for months. It is very inconvenient-------but incredibly beautiful!