Of course after using up thread and fabric I couldn't just bin them so they got integrated into my stash.
Here I have used some of these trial runs to jazz up some plain material for more bags. At least they won't be mistaken for anyone else's bag ! :o)

The squares below are all stitched out on different silk remnants. They just asked to be stitched together but I am not sure where I go with them now?
Maybe I should have sashed them or alternated them with plain squares, or embroidered some more to make something bigger. I don't really fancy unpicking them as the silk frays so badly (or so well? )
They will probably hibernate back into the stitch-out box until inspiration strikes. At the moment all I can think of is a humbug shaped cushion or the top of a pretty bag to store something in?

No, don't put them back in the box, they are lovely. And too nice for a bag. Are cushions respected in your house? If they are then a cushion would showcase them nicely.If not, you've got a problem(g). Could you make more?
Thanks Anne:o)
I am afraid cushions tend to get well(?) used in this house-----as in laid on, sat on and used to make dens !!!
Back to the drawing board?
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